Stable Time and Frequency Device

Superior quality rubidium oscillators: why use them?

Advanced rubidium oscillators, like those made by Raditek, have substantially less drift than an OCXO.

In comparison to OCXOs, our precisely tuned rubidium oscillator offers greater short-term stability of 0.002ppb at 100s and long-term aging of below 1ppp/year.

Normal oscillators are susceptible to energy loss, which reduces the amplitude and can have a disastrous effect on time distribution services like the telecommunications network, television broadcasts, aerospace, the military industry, global positioning satellite systems, etc.

Raditek’s rubidium oscillators are improvised oven-controlled crystal oscillators tethered to the precision and accuracy of the rubidium physical circuitry which ensures uninterrupted pulse accuracy and amplitude.

Technically it means OCXO frequency output is harnessed to rubidium’s hyperfine transition cycle of 6 834 682 610.904 Hz for the most accurate and dependable frequency for the time distribution industry.

These oscillators from Raditek are far superior to those from other companies. This is because we follow a sigma process of manufacturing which help us to do away with defect-causing elements which helps us to offer a wide range of cutting-edge products including rubidium oscillators.

Raditek manufactures more than twenty types of rubidium oscillators which are comparatively smaller in dimension. The best price/performance ratio makes it the most ideal component for the relevant systems/applications.

For full details, see the Raditek website.