LNB – Crucial Satellite TV Broadcast Component

The magic of crisp and clear television images and sound has to be attributed to LNB-Low noise block down converter.

LNB device is mounted on satellite dish which collects and reflects radio waves beamed down by the satellite, approximately twenty-two thousand miles away, and converts it into a signal that could be sent to a receiver placed in a building or an apartment, with the help of a coaxial cable.

Low noise block converter is exposed to elements of nature and therefore configured to withstand extreme weather conditions and maintain its functional integrity.

Two crucial functions of an LNB:

Firstly, it works as a low noise amplifier which receives feeble satellite signals and amplifies to the calibrated extent.

And secondly, it converts the super high satellite frequencies and transforms it into lower frequencies. These two functions convert satellite signals into images and sounds for television and computers.

Originally satellite dishs used an LNB which was a separate unit that was mounted on a satellite dish antenna. However, with the technological advancements in this field, the newer satellite dish antennas use LNBF – “F” denoting the field horn. These are smaller and compact in size.

In an LNB, TV Channel switching is enabled by the shifts in polarity with the help of the exterior motor and the channel.

However, in the case of LNBFs, the voltage going into the horizontal and vertical antenna probes cause a shift in polarity which makes switching channels possible.

A full range can be seen on the Raditek website.