A band pass filter developed by Raditek is a stringent electronic firewall that permits only calibrated frequency bands to propagate further, for its logical role in the systems or applications for its logical role.
The state-of-the-art bandpass filters that we manufacture are widely used in wireless and telecommunication systems, acoustics, and optic applications. Our Top-Class band pass filters are also used in satellite communication, atmospheric sciences, and meteorological system and applications.
For Sonar, Seismology, EEGs, Electrocardiograms, lasers, LIDARS, and Audio Signal Processing applications, equipment manufacturers prefer Raditek band pass filters.
Raditek offers two types of band pass filters (BPFs) namely Active Band Pass filter and Passive Band Pass filter.
Our Active filters use an external source of power to operate and use state-of-the-art active components like integrated circuits (ICs) and transistors.
Passive BPFs do not generate active power elements and instead rely on components such as capacitors and inductors to dissipate, store, and/or release power.
A Raditek Band pass filter minimizes interference from other signals that may be floating within or around the system, and has optimal frequency transfer speed, the proper amplitude, and the lowest signal-to-noise Ratio (SNR).
Our range of ready-to-use BPFs, available in varied formats, is designed to meet all your needs, however, do let us know about your customized Band Pass Filter.